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Open Category Group 2

Day 1: 6 July 2023 (Thursday)
The Shoplot, 4th Floor
4 - 6 pm

Day 3: 8 July 2023 (Saturday)
Helping Hands Penan, 4th Floor
4 - 6 pm

(Open) Cry Harder.png

Cry Harder
(12:50 minutes)

In an attempt to bring out her father's humanity, Lyn partners with her Grandfather to do everything she can to make her father cry.

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Ian Tan is a filmmaker based in Vancouver, BC. He graduated with a BFA in Film Production at UBC. He is an Editor at Atomic Cartoons, one of Vancouver's leading animation studios. Ian is a sought-after Editor within the Asian filmmaking community in Vancouver, with 

 award-winning shorts that have screened around the world from Korea, Los Angeles, Singapore, Toronto and the Vancouver Asian Film Festival. When he’s not picking up a camera or chipping away at an edit, you’ll find Ian posing his Transformers action figures.

(Open) Sayang.png

(15:00 minutes)

In a world where oxygen is a commodity and scent is a scarce luxury that evokes memories, there was a man who lived a solitary existence after the passing of his beloved partner.

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Roanne Woo, was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 2022, she received a Film and Television Screenwriting degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. In 2022, Roanne made her debut as a short film director, and her work ‘Sayang’ was nominated as a Top 10 

finalist in the BMW Shorties Malaysia competition. Roanne's first film won the award for Best Production Design, while her editing work received a nomination in the Best Sound Design category.

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(14:00 minutes)

After cutting himself accidentally during one of his live-streaming sessions, Farid, a boy from a rural area of Malaysia is offered money by one of his followers to do it again.

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Gwai Lou (鬼佬) means “Foreign devil”, it is a common Cantonese slang for Westerners. People used to call me this as a joke when I first arrived in Malaysia. Now it is how I call myself.

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蜗牛起飞 (The Flying Snail)
(9:55 minutes)

Tom is attending a lesson that will change his life.

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Sim Seng Hing and Chiau May 2017, graduated from Han Xing College. They formed Pai Gia Production.

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Phone Call Man Woman
(10:51 minutes)

She is a woman, therefore to be wooed.

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Lim Kean Hian, a filmmaker who works like a water buffalo.


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