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S - Express (Singapore)

Day 2: 7 July 2023 (Friday)
Helping Hands Penan, 4th Floor
10:30 am - 12:30 pm


The Feeling of Being Close to You

In a reconciliatory phone conversation set to old home videos juxtaposed with footage of independent adult life, the filmmaker and their mother candidly discuss intergenerational trauma and abuse.

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Ash Goh Hua

Ash Goh Hua is a filmmaker from Singapore, based in New York. She tells political stories personally, preserving an authentic complexity in the telling of our relationships, and challenging dominant ideologies in order to imagine possibilities of other worlds. Ash has been supported by programs and fellowships from institutions like Sundance, ITVS, If/Then, Jerome Foundation and NYFA. Their films have screened and won awards at film festivals internationally, and have been distributed by PBS, The New Yorker and Third World Newsreel. Ash was named one of the 25 New Faces of Film by Filmmaker Magazine in 2022.

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Conversations With A Koel Bird

Conversations and recordings about a koel bird between 2 siblings who live on the other side of the earth.

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Elizabeth Xu Yan Li

Elizabeth Xu Yuan Li (EXYL) is a filmmaker and animator. They were trained in painting and drawing, but moved slowly but surely into time based mediums like live action and animation. Their films have shown in internationally acclaimed festivals like Ann Arbor, Singapore International Film Festival, Encounters, San Diego Underground, Linoleum and more. They were awarded the Terri Schwartz Asian Film Award at Ann Arbor and Best Animation at National Youth Film Awards Singapore.

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Love At Fifty

Kee, a coffeeshop drink stall auntie meets a relief truck driver who screws up her stern routine. Initially in denial of her fluttering heart, the divorced mother of two soon opens up to this fun-loving man who confesses he has never been in a relationship all of his life.

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Tan Wei Ting

Tan Wei Ting was first trained in theatre and later went to film school. Her debut short film “CA$H” was selected for International Competition at the 41st Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France. The film also won Best Directing in the Open Category at the National Youth Film Awards 2018, and went on to travel to 20 different countries. Her latest short film “Love at Fifty” was in competition at the 33rd Singapore International Film Festival. She was from the pioneer batch of ARTivate — youth wing of Drama Box.

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SMRT Piece

Set betwixt Singapore & Los Angeles, SMRT PIECE is a video-experimental animation triptych about public transit, queer bodies, risk, missing home, seeing VS being seen, movie magic, drawing as an abstract intellectual exercise, Agnes V., and snuggling with your lover.

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Charlotte Hong

Charlotte Hong Bee Her is a non-binary lesbian animation artist and filmmaker based in Chicago and Singapore. A graduate of CalArts, they have been honored by the Singapore National Youth Film Awards. They are currently in development of their debut feature “Tropical Rain, Death-Scented Kiss”, receiving invitations to the 2022 Chicago Independent Producers’ Lab, the Chicago International Film Festival CIXLab 2023, and a Special Mention at Talents Tokyo 2022. Their films have enjoyed screenings from Ann Arbor Film Festival to Singapore International Film Festival.

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